Société de Bénévolence Suisse de Chicago
Schweizerische Wohltätgkeits-Gesellschaft
Società di Benevolenza Svizzera di Chicago
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New Location!

Mayfair Presbyterian Church

4358 W Ainslie Street, Chicago

Our SBS Holiday Celebration always helps to kick off the season of “Good Cheer” with a gathering of friends of Switzerland and all things Swiss. Join us for “special treats” and a traditional “Sing Along” with English, German, French & Italian carols.

Guests are always welcome . . . share your love of Swiss culture with friends and family.

Please note: We have secured a new venue for our Swiss Events and will be meeting at the Mayfair Presbyterian Church at 4358 W. Ainsle – just north of Lawrence and west of Pulaski. There is a small parking lot and plenty of on-street parking.

Contact SBS Administrator Ursula Furrer to let her know you will be attending.

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